Saturday, December 3, 2011

First Apartment Inspection

I recently had and survived my first rental inspection. What is that you wonder? Well here in Australia the majority of the property market is controlled by Property management agencies and rental agents and as part of their duties and as I suspect to convince the owners that they are doing a good job they inflict upon the tenants inspections every 2-3 months. I received a letter in the mail that I would be inspected in a week and a half and that I needed to have the property in tip top shape, I should also not try to reschedule or change the date as that was the only date I was going to get. Like the telephone, UPS and cable guy they gave a wide window 9am to 4pm so naturally I could not sit around all day waiting for them just to find out what it was going to be about.
So since I did not have any pets and pet paraphernalia to hide to I cleaned nonstop for 3 days and hoped for the best despite being really annoyed about it. I kept thinking – “I have been renting for the past 12 years how dare these people inspect me and question my house keeping skills?” See when you get that letter in the mail it feels really truly, deeply personal but it really is not personal. It has nothing to do with me as individual it’s just a really odd system. But I suppose with regular inspections you do not have the problem of people renting out houses to then turn into indoor pot growing farms as we have seen in some areas of California J
A week later the inspection report came in the mail and is below for your enjoyment (or NOT)
There were also pictures of almost everything/area in the apartment but it will be quite a bit of work to get them out of the PDF and attached to the blog. So the area I was digned in like the patio I have to remedy before the next inspection - I am not sure what happens if you just ignore the warnings but I will let you know if I find out :-)


  1. Hi kelly,

    I came across your blog when searching for a new home in Perth.
    I just wanna say that i m enjoying reading your story ��


  2. Hi Sandra;

    Thank you for your comment, I hope you have success with finding a place to live. Are you in Perth already? If you are single try looking for a place in the city, East Perth, Mt.Lawley and get a car - it will make a huge difference to your life.
